liberalize|liberalized|liberalizes|liberalizing in English

verb liberalize (Amer.)

['lib·er·al·ize || 'lɪbərlaɪz]

make liberal; become liberal (also liberalise)

Use "liberalize|liberalized|liberalizes|liberalizing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "liberalize|liberalized|liberalizes|liberalizing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "liberalize|liberalized|liberalizes|liberalizing", or refer to the context using the word "liberalize|liberalized|liberalizes|liberalizing" in the English Dictionary.

1. (iii). where one sharing entity has spectrum acquired through auction or liberalized spectrum and the other has spectrum allotted administratively, sharing shall be permitted only after spectrum charges for liberalizing the administratively allocated spectrum are paid.

2. The cry in many countries is for liberalizing abortion laws.

3. They have plans to liberalize the prison system.

4. * Developing competitive services markets and liberalizing regulations on foreign direct investment;

5. Conversely, macroeconomic imbalances tend to get amplified in a liberalized environment

6. Liberalize the cross - border movement of merchandises and resources.

7. Efforts to reorganize and liberalize the army alienated other military chiefs.

8. Both candidates promised to liberalize trade laws to allow for more imports.

9. China Backslides on Economic Reform Under Xi Jinping, Beijing hasn’t liberalized

10. Along with liberalized access, they would be subject to painstaking inspections at the border.

11. It's going to be quite grumpy as China begins to democratize her society after liberalizing her economy.

12. (Applause) We -- as a result, we decided to liberalize many of our markets.

13. Situation: avoids killing those who answer concussion WTO place to advocate is commerce liberalize.

14. His plan involved a move toward more liberalized markets, although it was not without its critics.

15. In liberalized sectors, high switching costs from an incumbent are key impediments for consumer interest.

16. It was also important to ensure liberalized, commercially meaningful and effective market access under mode

17. In general , when a country becomes liberalized , the stock market values also rise .

18. EAS, of course, cannot remain aloof from the process of liberalizing trade and the movement of capital and services.

19. Through the E - marketing makes the situation of recreation agriculture management to modernize, liberalize, internationalize gradually.

20. In a liberalized context other options look more enticing; they also become more feasible.

21. I instructed our Government to liberalize controls over the export to China of high technology products.

22. The essence of the innovation of the university system is to liberalize the productivity of knowledge.

23. Therefore having the trade liberalize strategy managed is the ideal selection on stage of our country.

24. Advance what liberalize as global aviation ceaselessly, of aviation trade compete internationally adding increasingly drama.

25. For several developing countries that have liberalized their agricultural sectors, the experience has not been a positive one